Sybil is a lactating mom with milky breasts. Forced Milking Sybil got a problem. Her boobs are always filled with milk. Within an hour or so after nursing her baby Sybil’s lovely breasts are filled with milk again. She has no other option that milking breasts using a pump to squeeze out the extra milk. But guess what, she enjoys forced milking and loves it when her hubby is milking breasts. Here is photo her husband took while Sybil is milking her tits using the pump which is latched to her lovely pink nipples.
You can see more lactation pictures and breast milking videos at Sexy Lactation.

Milking Breasts

2 thoughts on “Milking Breasts

  • September 9, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    like to lick and suck the whole milk in it

  • September 3, 2012 at 11:10 pm

    i just love to see these milky tits !! but i would love to meet a woman with milky tits and who would breastfeed me ! as i always wanted to be breast feed , and never waas . i live in edinburgh and i am trying to find a site or if there is some one who can tell me how i can find a woman who would breastfeed me i would realy be most greatfull ? i just love watching clips of milk been squarted out of there breasts ! please if some one can help me i would be very happy !

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